Air Canada =)

AC training is over, Graduation and Wing Ceremony is done, first flight was to MAD (Madrid, Spain). I cannot believe time went by so fast and I made friends just like that. I have to say 22 for 2.2 because we all graduated together and they all helped me get through this intense training by supporting me and never letting me fall behind. Thank-you to my wonderful instructors Marnie and Jeremy whom gave me endless support!

I got a call to fly on sunday late afternoon around 5:30pm. I was asked to go to MAD, for some reason I thought I was going to Madagascar (that was what the internet said MAD= Madagascar). I really didn`t want to fly to Madagascar with all the animals. I got to the airport and found out I wasn`t going to Madagascar but to Madrid which was in Europe.

I left Toronto around 10pm and arrived in Madrid around 1pm (European time). My flight going there was the Ì don`t know what I am doing`mode. My crew was really nice not to put me on GP so I was on OR. I was supposed to do briefings, but we got a list saying NO SPATS, but guess what, there were like 10 babies on this flight. My crew said to forget briefings, just help out on J class. I got to Madrid, I slept for 2 hours and went grocery shopping with my crew. I also noticed that my chargers did not work in Europe, so I turned off my phone and limited my camera usage to the next day since my crew planned to travel.

I did some sight seeing just downtown of Madrid. I saw the Metropolis building, grassy building with the big rolex word written on it, and the 4 skyline towers. It was a long walk but I survived. Man I wished I could have shared this with my class or better yet travelled with them.

On the second day, my crew members took me on a tour, we travelled on the Madrid Metro (subway) to a bus stop. We went to a small valley called chin chon an hour away from Madrid. We went there because it was a place where they have bull fights. But it wasn`t the season to be bull fighting, we just saw the Church of Nuestra Senora de la Ascuncion.

We took a bus to Aranjuez`s Palacio Real. We were not allowed to take pictures inside the palace. It was amazing, we took a train tour of the palace and garden. We got to see the inside of the palace, the throne room, queen`s bedroom. It was amazing. Outside the Palace, we saw the Fuente de Hercules.

My flight back was delayed for 2 hours and coming back was pretty interesting. i was told that I was to do all the SPAT and UM briefings. There were 4 wheelchairs, and an UM. My crew members told me to focus on the UM since the wheelchairs were accompanied by someone. Turned out I did not have the UM and I wasted time waiting instead of briefing. When i went to brief the overwing exits, another flight attendant had already briefed them in Spanish. Not only did I miss the briefings, I messed up on not briefing them. We also experienced moderate turbulence, I dropped boxes of snacks on passengers, I collected garbage in trolleys like there was no tomorrow. I did not spill any drinks, but I did dance from the back galley to my aft jumpseat and that was really embarrassing. It was nonstop answering call buttons that happened to be pressed by mistake. Overall a great time in Spain. Where is D. Lo off to next?

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